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Tassimo 是一款膠囊飲品提供一杯式熱飲。 這套系統提供多款膠囊飲品選擇,包括: 普通咖啡、 濃縮咖啡、 紅茶、 熱朱古力、 Oreo, 甚至咖啡飲品, 包括一些含奶飲品:Latte 及 cappuccino。


"TASSIMO Intellibrew™ technology ensures that each sip is perfect in every way. 

Whether it's an energising espresso, a revitalising herbal tea or a creamy hot chocolate, TASSIMO prepares every drink individually at the touch of a button - for the most delicious results.The machine automatically scans the barcode on each T DISC to obtain the information it needs to prepare your favourite drink: the amount of water, the brewing time, plus the optimum temperature. TASSIMO does all the work, giving you the time to enjoy special moments throughout your day." 



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